Red Tent - Sacred Feminine dance and meditation, March 25
Harsh Inner Critic into Polite Powerful Ally! March 20, 27
Family and Systems Constelallation, March 19
Family constellation. Looking at the past to heal the future. March 15, 26
System Insight. Alchemical laboratory for Finding wisdom in the field in the area of money, career
Emotional intelligence, relationship, and group facilitation training, March 5
Terrapia school seminar " Open your creativity with Mandala painting" Tue, March 1
Befriending Your Inner Critic Feb 21, Sunday
Red Tent, Fri, Feb 19
Family constellation. Looking at the past to heal the future. Feb 16, 20, 28
Zen Landscape Painting with Sergey Voronin, Feb 12, 26
Seminar “Plant your intentions and grow them through the Fire Monkey year”, Feb 7, 27
Emotional intelligence, relationship, and group facilitationtraining for teens. Thu, Feb 4
Seminar “Plant your intentions and grow them through the Fire Monkey year” Saturday, Jan 30
Path of the Magician: Success
Befriending Your Inner Critic seminar in Brooklyn
Healing your family field. System and family constellations.
The Dance of Relationships seminar, May 11, 11 am-6 pm
Mt Shasta tour, Aug 23-30, 2014